
July 11, 2008 § Leave a comment

Around the world, many are having the perception of a grey chained reality, believing that we need to control or manipulate to satisfy conditioned behaviors, illusionary desires or falsely perceived needs.

But now a global consciousness is emerging within, gradually unfolding a new precious unexpected way. It’s showing us that, up on these blinding beliefs, we created a unsustainable reality based on fear, which will not persist indefinitely.

At this time in our planet’s history, a tremendous transformation is taking place, multiple challenges lie ahead for us all. You already know why, don’t you?

What is needed to collectively reorient ourselves towards a viable future?
How could we help each other in developing our greater human potential?
How can we re-imagine the relationship between us, and with our Earth?


Imagine two tuning forks standing one next to another, and you strike one to create a note. Without touching the other, it will begin to play its own note too.

“Be a lamp unto yourself. Don’t search for light anywhere else;
the light is already there… Just probe a little deeper into your being.”

__The Buddha

The Size of the Univers

July 1, 2008 § Leave a comment

Or the number of galaxies within a little pitch black piece of night sky.

Where Am I?

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